Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mayavati and the Garland of Death

I think we all read the news and were suitable outraged at the fact that Mayavati got a garland of 1000Rs notes amounting to however many crores.
And the funniest thing happened the day after that, she got another one albeit made out of 100Rs and 500Rs notes, this was to underplay the one given the day before.
So mayavati is the leader of the "people" the common man yet she spends government money as if she herself has worked hard and earned it and paid it as tax.
The worst part is that supposedly an income tax investigation has been started but will mostly come to nothing.
This is to add to the recent spending Mayavati has done(again at public expense) to build statues of herself and the founder of the BSP. All done on the publics account.
When will this mad woman stop??
And when will we wake up and do something about it??
We have been passive players in our government too long always having to choose between the lesser of two evils and most of the time the guy we voted for ends up being either a money hungry neta, or a go-with-the-flow-for-votes neta.
With no accountability netas do their best to go out of their way to rob us blind.
This is literally government at its lowest, and reminds me of a time(the time being ancient rome), when the the senators of provinces would try and wring as much money out of the province as they could in their tenure to satisfy the goal set by the senate for their taxes and keep as much as they could for themselves.

1 comment:

  1. very very true. i just wish there really was a way we could ALL get together and do something about it...
